Centro esperti

Ci impegniamo a offrire alle persone modalità affidabili per conoscere gli effetti dell'alcol sul loro organismo e a sensibilizzare sulle gravi conseguenze del consumo di alcol e della guida in stato di ebbrezza.

Preventing a DUI. There's an app for that.

Preventing a DUI. There's an app for that.

Preventing a DUI. There’s an app for that. BACtrack Mobile estimates your alcohol level and tells you when the alcohol will be out of your system. Smartphone Breathalyzers | Professional...

Preventing a DUI. There's an app for that.

Preventing a DUI. There’s an app for that. BACtrack Mobile estimates your alcohol level and tells you when the alcohol will be out of your system. Smartphone Breathalyzers | Professional...

10 Ways to Get the Most from Your BACtrack Smartphone Breathalyzer

10 Ways to Get the Most from Your BACtrack Smar...

10 Ways to Get the Most from Your BACtrack Smartphone Breathalyzer If you've purchased a BACtrack Smartphone Breathalyzer--congratulations! You now own one of the most powerful devices in the world to...

10 Ways to Get the Most from Your BACtrack Smar...

10 Ways to Get the Most from Your BACtrack Smartphone Breathalyzer If you've purchased a BACtrack Smartphone Breathalyzer--congratulations! You now own one of the most powerful devices in the world to...

What is BAC?

What is BAC?