More Praise for BACtrack Mobile from Egotastic

More Praise for BACtrack Mobile from Egotastic


Men's website, Egotastic took on the BACtrack Mobile Breathalyzer last week, hailing its ability to give drinkers the reality check they need when their judgement may be somewhat skewed. 

"People are usually bad judges of their own sobriety. Some people who are clearly not drunk insist that they're wasted so that they can crash on your sofa, while others who are clearly buzzed insist that they're fully capable of driving themselves home--before they trip over your couch and knock themselves out. The solution for all parties involved is the BACtrack Breathalyzer."

Egotastic also praised BACtrack Mobile's ability to "keep track of your drinking habits since it files away previous readings and saves them all for you to review later on."

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