Stick to Your Resolutions with Help from BACtrack

Stick to Your Resolutions with Help from BACtrack

BACtrack helps with New Years Resolutions

It's a new year. Resolutions are the perfect opportunity for a fresh start. For those of you who have had trouble amending old habits, especially with regards to alcohol consumption, science tells us there are certain methods and tools to adopt which help the likelihood of making changes stick.

A study led by Wilhelm Hofmann of the University of Chicago tracking people’s reactions to temptation throughout a typical day highlighted an interesting dichotomy. While willpower is thought to be a crucial element, results showed that people with the best self-control are those using their willpower less often. 

Instead, the individuals who had the most success set up routines and had digital tools that allowed them to avoid temptation and therefore didn't need pure willpower to make changes permanent. 

The conclusion to be drawn here? When it comes to resolutions, setting yourself up for success is just as, if not more important than having an iron will. 

That's where BACtrack comes in. For all those who are looking to exercise more control over their drinking, there's no better tool. A Professional Grade BACtrack can accurately tell you how much alcohol you've consumed. With a smartphone enabled breathalyzer like BACtrack Mobile, you can even estimate when your BAC will return to 0.00%, making smarter decisions while drinking effortless. 

A Professional Grade BACtrack can also be advantageous for those looking to help friends, family members, or clients with alcohol problems. Set up a regular testing regiment and use your BACtrack to check in when suspicion arises. With BAC sensitivity that goes all the way to three decimal places (0.002%), Professional Grade BACtracks can even detect trace amounts of alcohol.

Here are some other considerations you may want to adopt for keeping New Year's Resolutions: 

  • Plan ahead - rid your house and home of temptations. For example, if hard liquor leads to poor decisions, only keep beer and wine in the home. 
  • Keep track of your progress - one of the best ways to help changes stick is by tracking stats around those changes. This goes for both losing weight and amending drinking patterns. The BACtrack App is ideal for this, as it saves your BAC results automatically. 
  • Share your victories - sharing your progress with friends and family reinforces your decisions and also keeps you publicly accountable. 
  • Reward yourself - Find a healthy way to reward yourself when you reach milestones. This aids in making the resolutions you've made a joy rather than a burden. Every little bit helps.  

Shop for your BACtrack now. 


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