BACtrack Provides Breathalyzer Tests at the Kendall-Jackson Tomato Festival

BACtrack Provides Breathalyzer Tests at the Kendall-Jackson Tomato Festival


The 14th Annual Kendall-Jackson Heirloom Tomato Festival was held this past Saturday, September 11th, in beautiful Sonoma County Wine Country. In addition to the more than 170 varieties of heirloom tomatoes available for sampling, gourmet food tastings, Kendall-Jackson wines, and live entertainment, there was something new:  voluntary breathalyzer tests

Kendall-Jackson had invited San Francisco-based BACtrack to provide voluntary breathalyzer tests for visitors' education and safety. Matthew Sammons, Vice President of Sales for BACtrack, was on hand to help administer the tests. According to Sammons, some testers with high results waited for more time to pass before re-testing and then leaving the event; however, guests that showed any reading above 0.01%, received a cautionary warning. 

Any amount of alcohol can impair the senses -- even when a person's BAC (blood alcohol content) is well below the legal limit. Read more about theKendall-Jackson Tomato Festival Breathalyzer Test.

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