Quantifying Alcohol Consumption with BACtrack Mobile: Small, Fast, Accurate and Social

Quantifying Alcohol Consumption with BACtrack Mobile: Small, Fast, Accurate and Social

Heath blog Alexisavvy.com reviewed BACtrack Mobile this week and interviewed BACtrack President and Founder Keith Nothacker about it, as well. It's a great interview that exposes the development process, what made him decide that a smartphone-enabled breathalyzer was an important addition to the BACtrack line, and gives a little insight into our company's philosophy, as well.

Just to give you a little taste, here's how Keith answered the question about the kind of feedback people are giving us about BACtrack Mobile:

"We hear feedback almost everyday. We’ve sold so many over the last decade and we often hear, ‘We had a party and it just changed everybody’s behavior.’ We see the device used in groups. If my friend blows a 0.12 in front of me, now there is quantifiable number that makes that person and all the other people around him accountable. It shares the responsibility and makes everyone safer.”

Keith was adamant on one point. “We tell people that you should not drink and drive at all. The purpose of the device is to understand how alcohol affects your body, not tell you when you can or cannot drive.”

Awesome interview! Please head over to Alexisavvy to read the full transcript.

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